Cleaners for Your Property in Courchevel
Finding a good cleaner for your Courchevel property can be very tricky as they are in very short supply. The reason for this is because all of the “changeover” days are on the weekends. Therefore there are only two days a week for a cleaner to earn their money. Also the ski season is only 5 months a year and most properties aren’t used each week making it difficult for the cleaning companies to take on the right amount of staff.
Though having a good cleaner isn’t just a good idea for your rental guests. They can get your property ready for your arrival, ensure your personal belongings are out and ready for you, purchase your liftpasses, get the heating hot water etc on so your place is nice and warm. No one wants to turn up to a cold property and they start cleaning.
A cleaner is absolutely crucial if you are looking to rent. They can help you manage your guests and get the property ready for them. More importantly they will be able to check your property hasn’t been damaged and assist you with security deposits.
A lot of cleaners in Courchevel also work as property managers. They can help you with numerous jobs that need doing year round.
If you would like help finding a cleaner please contact us by filling out the form on this page.
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